+27 31 814 7403               130 Matthews Meyiwa Road, Greyville, Durban, 4001


School News
Spirit of Adventure is an adventure camp based at the Shongweni Dam and Game Reserve. The facilitators adopted a variety of approaches to assist the Grade 5 Class to work together. Each child tested their limits, and learned that courage, coupled with believing in yourself, will always bear fruit.
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We sent our Grade 7 class up the coast to Sugar Bay Resort, which is a well-organised summer camp at Zinkwazi Beach. They were challenged mentally and physically but most of all, they had a ball!
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BOOKS2YOU is a South African company that sources top quality books  from around the world bringing books by famous authors and publishers right to our door. They supply and source current, mainline books that are perfect for all ages. A passion for books, reading and education is the driving force behind Books2You and we most...
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Our 2022 Sports Day went off with a BANG at the KZN Athletics Stadium. The children had so much fun! The day truly displayed our St James spirit of teamwork, love and support for each other.
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St James Choir performed for the very first time on Wednesday, 10 August. We had a fantastic performance: all the hard work was worth it! A vote of thanks to all our choir parents for honouring their commitment to organise transport on a Wednesday afternoon. We have so many talented musicians at our school, and...
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On 5 March, the UMLAZI District School Team Tournaments were held, and St James Team was placed 6th overall. On Saturday 12 March, St James School Durban hosted the U/9, U/10, and U/12 Individual Tournament. One of the St James pupils was placed 4th in his age group – congratulations! Even though all the schools...
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New year – new opportunities to be the best we can be! A warm welcome to all our new pupils and parents; we hope you will be happy at our school. To all our familiar faces, all the best for 2022.   
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Congratulations to our Staff, Parents and Members of the Board on achieving position number 10 on the “Top Ten Private Schools in Durban” as published by the website https://feelschol.com/list-of-top-10-private-schools-in-durban/List of Top 10 Private Schools in Durban, as well as the website https://www.ngosify.com/best-primary-schools-in-durban/ We ranked third on the “Top Ten Schools in Durban” list on the website https://www.ngosify.com/best-primary-schools-in-durban/, and...
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